How to use IPFS


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As we all know, IPFS is a distributed storage technology, which can save your files more securely. You can also share it with your friends. Borderfree is seamlessly connected to the IPFS network, and our nodes are fully compatible with IPFS nodes. Here’s how you can save your files or share them with your friends.

1. Open the IPFS management page “Click

2. How to upload a file: Open the [File] module, click [Import], and upload your file.

3. How to share a file: Open the [File] module, click the rightmost menu of the file you want to share, and copy the CID. Share this CID with your friends.

4. Open the shared file: Open the [File] module, click [Import], then click [From IPFS Path], and paste the CID.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

IPFS, short for InterPlanetary File System, is a network transmission protocol designed for the distributed storage, sharing, and persistence of files. As a decentralized protocol based on content hash, IPFS is built on a peer-to-peer (P2P) system foundation, providing a novel architectural approach for file transfer.

How IPFS Works.

In traditional centralized network architectures, file downloads typically occur from a single server. The issue with this approach is that the server’s upload bandwidth can quickly become a bottleneck when a large number of users attempt to download large files. In contrast, IPFS employs a distributed network structure where users download different parts of a file from various nodes, with each node providing a small piece of data.

IPFS achieves efficient data retrieval and transfer by splitting files into smaller blocks and using content-based hash addresses to retrieve these blocks. This means that users can download files from multiple nodes simultaneously, thus utilizing the upload bandwidth of several nodes. In theory, if enough nodes participate, this method can fully utilize the user’s download bandwidth, greatly accelerating the download process.

The Advantages of IPFS

The main advantage of IPFS lies in its decentralized nature, which enhances data persistence and accessibility by storing data redundantly across multiple nodes. Moreover, due to its efficient data distribution method, IPFS effectively resolves bandwidth bottlenecks, making it particularly suitable for the transfer of large files and massive amounts of data. Additionally, IPFS also offers better privacy protection and data security, as data is no longer stored centrally on a single server.

The disadvantages of IPFS

Although IPFS has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. First, the performance of IPFS largely depends on the number and quality of nodes in the network. If there are insufficient active nodes or if they are unevenly distributed, the speed of file retrieval may be affected. Second, IPFS struggles with handling dynamic content, as every time file content is updated, its hash value changes, necessitating the update and republishing of a new hash address. Additionally, although data redundancy can enhance the reliability of data, it also increases the cost of data storage, especially when storing large volumes of redundant data. Finally, although IPFS offers better user privacy protection than traditional centralized services, it still faces some risks of privacy leaks, particularly when data is transmitted unencrypted between nodes. Moreover, due to the instability of nodes, there is also a risk of data loss.

Application scenarios

IPFS is highly suitable for scenarios requiring efficient file transfers, such as big data analysis, scientific data sharing, and media file distribution. Especially in projects where large models or software need to be deployed quickly, IPFS can significantly enhance file download speeds and ensure the rapid and secure transmission of data.

In summary, IPFS offers a robust solution for addressing some of the core issues (such as efficiency, security, and reliability) in traditional networks. Its decentralized nature and content-based addressing mechanism make IPFS one of the key technologies for future file storage and transmission.

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Introduction to IPFS

We focus on the research and development of P2P communication and distributed storage technologies to establish a truly Web3 foundational architecture. Our goal is to provide users with a safer, more reliable network experience while enhancing data privacy protection. We aim to drive technological innovation in Web3 and build a more open, interconnected, and decentralized future network environment.


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